Thursday, 30 April 2020

Ebola Virus



Imagine that you go to Africa and try some fresh exotic meat at a local market later on you feel something you've never experienced before. The following morning you go to the hospital feeling much worse. The doctors run some tests, Eventually they come back with some worrying news.The stall you went to has tested positive for Ebola and you now have an extremely aggressive and dangerous virus inside of you and will need immediate emergency treatment. This has happened to a lot of people and today I will be talking to you about the Ebola virus.

The first Ebola virus disease (EVD) Outbreak most occurs in remote African villages near rain-forests 2014-2016 Outbreak is most believed to be caused by African fruit bats. The EVD outbreak started in Guinea and spread to Sierra Leone and Liberia.

What exactly is Ebola you ask? Well it is a fever transferred to humans from animals such as bats, porcupines and primates through body fluids like saliva and blood sweat and tears. Symptoms happen within 2 - 21 days only when you have symptoms you are Infectious and the virus becomes contagious. Sadly there is no known treatment for this disease so you have a high chance of dying if you get this virus but there is a vaccine being tested. Best way to avoid catching the Virus is washing your hands.


World health organisation



Medicine Net


Thursday, 16 April 2020